Yamaha Archery Corner
IL MIO TRIBUTO ALL' ARCIERIA YAMAHA: nobile purtroppo scomparsa della quale sono appassionato cultore e tutt'ora utente. Chi ha documentazione e materiale inerente che vorrebbe pubblicare è il benvenuto:
I contribuiti (meglio se cartacei originali) ovviamente saranno trattati con religiosa cura e restituiti prontamente.
Se voleste vendere od acquistare materiale Yamaha siete pregati di utilizzare il FORUM nella apposita sezione.
Grazie per aver vistato questa pagina. Ricordo a tutti che NON HO MATERIALE DA VENDERE.
MY PERSONAL TRIBUTE TO YAMAHA ARCHERY, I would like to have impression, request and suggestion from the readers. Please mail me at sbr058@gmail.com. I'm still looking for more documents, pictures and opinions.
All contributions are welcome, preferably original paper which of course will be treated with care and promptly returned.
Despite really few new registrations The YAMAHA ARCHERY FORUM still working, please register you to keep on. Link www.sforzini.net/forum/ also if you want to buy or sell Yamaha archery.
Please remember that I don't have any sfuff to sell. Thanks for watching!
The most complete Yamaha Archery Pictures documentation in world can be wiewed on the pinterest series of our friend Chris Middleton
extremely interesting.
La più completa documentazione fotografica dell'Arceria Yamaha è disponibile su Pinterest a cura dell'amico Chris Middleton
un magnifico lavoro.
Documentazioni - Documentations
Perris Archery Catalogue 1974/5 YAMAHA YSL - YG courtesy by Paul Clay
YAMAHA ARCHERY: catalogo arcieria yamaha 1980 courtesy by Chris Middleton (AUS)
YAMAHA TAKE DOWN BOW general instruction 1982
YAMAHA TAKE DOWN BOW alpha-EX owner's manual 1986 : manuale utente alpha-EX
YAMAHA TAKE DOWN BOW EOLLA owner's manual 1992 : manuale utente EOLLA
YAMAHA TAKE DOWN BOW owner's manual setup manual 1996 :
manuale utente EOLLA & FEEL FORGED
YAMAHA SUPER FEEL LIMBS setup sheet : foglietto istruzioni per flettenti Super Feel rarissimo - Super Feel Setup Sheet extremly rare
YAMAHA TAKE DOWN BOW general instruction 1982
YAMAHA TAKE DOWN BOW alpha-EX owner's manual 1986 : manuale utente alpha-EX
YAMAHA TAKE DOWN BOW EOLLA owner's manual 1992 : manuale utente EOLLA
YAMAHA TAKE DOWN BOW owner's manual setup manual 1996 :
manuale utente EOLLA & FEEL FORGED
YAMAHA SUPER FEEL LIMBS setup sheet : foglietto istruzioni per flettenti Super Feel rarissimo - Super Feel Setup Sheet extremly rare
courtesy by Paul Clay
SPIGARELLI SPIGA 30 II TECH INFORMATION (SPIGA 30 I is the best recurve bow sight ever made even for Eolla. The SPIGA 30 II is a liite worst)
Prova YAMAHA EOLLA su mensile ARCO di Marco Fedeli
Prova DW adjusters (piastrine) "4" del sottoscritto
Yamaha SBR DWA 2017 test sempre del sottoscritto
Quicks Archery UK Catalog YAMAHA 1990 91 courtesy by www.quicksarchery.co.uk
Quicks Archery UK Catalog YAMAHA 1991 92 courtesy by www.quicksarchery.co.uk
Quicks Archery UK Catalog YAMAHA 1992 93 courtesy by www.quicksarchery.co.uk
Quicks Archery UK Catalog YAMAHA 1993 94 courtesy by www.quicksarchery.co.uk
Quicks Archery UK Catalog YAMAHA 1994 95 courtesy by www.quicksarchery.co.uk
Quicks Archery UK Catalog YAMAHA 1995 96 courtesy by www.quicksarchery.co.uk
Listino Bonardo Archery 2001 - Bonardo Archery Pricelist 2001 Italy
Special thanks to miss Jean Wilkinson by QUICKS
Also a thank you to the helpful staff at QUICKS for taking the time to go through the archives and scan each one of their old catalogues, staff member Ms "Robin" in particular.
Yamaha Archery History
- YA (1962 ?)
- YB
- YC
- YG
- 100 Centenary *
- EX
- Alpha DX
- Alpha SX
- Alpha EX
- Eolla
- Super Feel Forged
- Super Feel Forged II

- archery intechange forum (in inglese ovviamente)
- morabbin archery club (australiano, non c'entra niente ma mi piace troppo)
- Gosnells Archers of Western Australia uno dei club col maggior numero di YAMAHA Archery fans
Yamaha Archers Pictures
Catalogs & Pictures
Video and Miscellanous
YAMAHA ARCHERY : video istituzionale YAMAHA con il grande Yamamoto allora giovanissimo, com'è ora invece.
video youtube con la superba collezione di questo appassionato australiano
US PATENT US5967130 : brevetto YAMAHA FEEL FORGED pdf (1999)
US PATENT US4574766 : brevetto YAMAHA TAKE DOWN BOW pdf (1986)
US PATENT US5715804 : brevetto HYBRID BOW STRING (1998)
US PATENT US5609146 : brevetto WESTERN STYLE BOW (1997)
US PATENT US5967130 : brevetto YAMAHA FEEL FORGED pdf (1999)
US PATENT US4574766 : brevetto YAMAHA TAKE DOWN BOW pdf (1986)
US PATENT US5715804 : brevetto HYBRID BOW STRING (1998)
US PATENT US5609146 : brevetto WESTERN STYLE BOW (1997)
..in realtà i flettenti della serie G e C
US PATENT US4936283 : brevetto ARCHERY STABILIZER (1990) ..dumpers
US PATENT US4556042 : brevetto ARROW REST FOR ARCHERY BOW (1983)
US PATENT US4702067 : brevetto ARCHERY STRING (1987)
US PATENT US5598831 : brevetto YBRID BOW STRING... (1997)
US PATENT US4936283 : brevetto ARCHERY STABILIZER (1990) ..dumpers
US PATENT US4556042 : brevetto ARROW REST FOR ARCHERY BOW (1983)
US PATENT US4702067 : brevetto ARCHERY STRING (1987)
US PATENT US5598831 : brevetto YBRID BOW STRING... (1997)
very interesting Chinese Website Talking Yamaha Archery history - thanks to Lev for suggestion.
articolo su website cinese con moltissime foto che parla della storia della arceria Yamaha
utilizzando il traduttore automatico di Chrome si riesce a capire qualche cosa.
Catalogs - Brochures
1962/63 QUICKS ARCHERY: first trace of Yamaha bow (YB) catalog
1980 YAMAHA ARCHERY: catalogo arcieria yamaha PDF courtesy by Chris Middleton (AUS)
1982 YAMAHA TAKE DOWN BOW general instructions ZIP
1991 YAMAHA ARCHERY compound bows/recurve bows ZIP: cat. arcieria yamaha 1991 (18 Mb)
1992 YAMAHA ARCHERY compound bows/recurve bows ZIP: cat. arcieria yamaha 1992 (22 Mb)
1993 YAMAHA ARCHERY ZIP: catalogo arcieria yamaha 1993 (21 Mb)
1998 YAMAHA ARCHERY (Japanese): PDF straordinario caltalogo per mercato giapponese.
Courtsey of Jim Spencer (AUS) - Gosnells Archers of Western Australia
1980 YAMAHA ARCHERY: catalogo arcieria yamaha PDF courtesy by Chris Middleton (AUS)
1982 YAMAHA TAKE DOWN BOW general instructions ZIP
1991 YAMAHA ARCHERY compound bows/recurve bows ZIP: cat. arcieria yamaha 1991 (18 Mb)
1992 YAMAHA ARCHERY compound bows/recurve bows ZIP: cat. arcieria yamaha 1992 (22 Mb)
1993 YAMAHA ARCHERY ZIP: catalogo arcieria yamaha 1993 (21 Mb)
1998 YAMAHA ARCHERY (Japanese): PDF straordinario caltalogo per mercato giapponese.
Courtsey of Jim Spencer (AUS) - Gosnells Archers of Western Australia
Mail to Bruno - the Webmaster
Fine del Sogno - Dream ends
- Questo è un Interessante articolo sulle sconosciute ultime produzioni prima del tracollo, archi speciali in esemplare unico per Sebastien Flute, considerazioni strategiche e commerciali piuttosto amare ecc. ecc. (E' in giapponese quindi anche google fa quello che può, qualcuno può riaggiustare la traduzione? link)
- Interesting thread about last unknown Yamaha productions before the sad stop, is in japanese... link , if someone can adjust translation thats will be appreciate.
http://www.a-rchery.com/bow50.htmArticle resume. Courtesy by John Whowell
The article is written by Kawakami Genichi, more than 40 years president of yamaha.he says by the time the super feel was thought of, yamaha was in a bad way.all the good engineers had left and the sales were really low, for 2 reasons.1 a lot of people had turned to compound bows, and 2 the yamaha bows were too heavy for japanese.so the super feel was supposed to fix that, but instead turned out to be even heavier.because it was weaker, they had to make it fatter so it wouldn't break in half.the Sebastian bow he says looks like a super feel 2 but isn't, it's aluminum, and was hand crafted, no mould, and not drop forged at all.He says the super feel 2 is the worst bow, and don't pay a lot for them. they are scarce, but they're not a good bow.
Scritto dall'autorevole Kawakami san (1912-2002) presidente di YAMAHA per oltre 40 anni. Parla fra l'altro degli archi speciali produtti per Sebastien Flute nell'epoca post Eolla (e per qualche altro atleta) che niente avevano a che vedere con il prodotto di serie che era stato rifiutato dai testimonial perchè ritenuto pessimo.Ci sono anche pesanti critiche rivolte alla direzione commerciale che ha privilegiato il profitto alla prestazione ed alla ricerca, generando di fatto dei prodotti (FF II) fallimentari dal punto di vista delle prestazioni e delle vendite.Commento al commento: semplicemente ridicola (oltrechè tipcamente commerciale e GIAPPONESE) la decisone di produrre per motivi di rispamio di costi solo risers DESTRI e CORTI a partire dal Feel Forged.
Page comments and General messages
Owner's Tribute
LONG SFF2 riser
From one of our best contributors: Jim Spencer
Here 'tis photo's as talked with John Yesterday about of the mythical never produced (???) LONG SFF2 riser.
I had an enquiry about Super ceramic limbs lighter than 40# from a person I think from Holland, as soon as he said he had an SFF2 riser I assumed he needed long limbs, so I told him the tale of woe relating to their availability. (it's a no....)
He insisted he had a 65 cm riser, so I asked for Pictures, and TA DAH !!!
Although he uses a 30cm ruler showing top half then bottom half of bow, when I put a 30cm ruler against my SFF2 short riser, it goes to the pivot point on the grip from both directions, where as in his photo's the ruler does not quite get to the pivot point, thus proving his riser is indeed a couple of cm longer on each half of the bow therefore 65cm. Hence as he is asking for Medium Limbs, I may be able to help him, but what a waste, the only person I have found with an SFF LONG riser , and he only needs a 68" bow !!!!
Learn something every day.........
I want one. . . . . . . .
LONG SFF2 riser
From our friend
The Holy Graal of the Yamaha Archery, the SFF II LONG RISER
In a perfect condition and wonderful colors.
Thanks Paul!
Owner's Tribute
Owner's Tribute
Broken YTSL2
From our friend John Mooney. lunartech@ntlworld.com
Bruno . I am sorry I only speak english, I have visited your website before and found it interesting. Earlier this year I was shooting my YTSL2 when it snapped in half due to metal fatigue. Now I have other more modern bows but I like the feel of my Yamaha. so I decided to see if it could be fixed. First I cleaned up everything including all paint back to bare magnesium , I drilled through above the stabiliser bush down through the break into the lower section I tapped M5 the lower section and recessed the head of a 100mm long M5 bolt in the upper section. I applied a very strong automotive resin (JB Weld) and bolted the two parts together. Next I made two steel plates which i Shaped to the form of the bow. when sure they would fit snug I clamped them on and drilled through in 5 places 2.5mm and tapped the holes M3 I again applied JB Weld and screwed the plates in place and smoothed off the resin that was squeezed out. When set I smoothed off the rough edges and gave it a coat of primer and a quick coat of spray paint I am currently using 39# medium carbon ex limbs . I decided to try it out after shooting a round at my local club and had enough time to shoot 24 arrows through it with no problems and there was no signs of the break moving or cracking at all pleas see pictures I have decided to send you this as it may help someone who has suffered a similar loss and would also like to try a repair... what is there to lose?
I am currently on holiday and not at home so I will not be on that email address for another week but when I get home I have the instruction manual for the standard Yamaha pressure button which I will scan and send to you for your archives. I hope you liked my repair story on my YTSL2
Thanks John, sorry for very late publish. Bruno
Owner's Tribute
YB66 - YG68
From one of our friends: Glen Bowley gbowley2014@gmail.com
Bruno, I tried to sign on the forum but could not. I have two, "vintage" Yamaha one piece target bows, a YB66 and a YG68 that were bought, used in the mid 1970's.
I acquired these two Yamaha one piece bows in the mid-1970's when I was in college, they were both used but not very old at the time. I suspect they were made in the late 1960's or early 1970's but that is an estimate on my part.
They could be bought quite economically in those days because the market here was going over to compounds and the target shooters were switching to take downs. I have always liked one piece bows, so this worked out well for me.
They are;
1.) Yamaha YB66 marked 25# (it has red glass, as can be seen)
2.) Yamaha YG68 marked 35#
I been involved, off and on, with archery since 1970 and have recently taken it up in the spring of 2018 as a main retirement activity. My shooting focuses on recreational and 3D (WA Rules Instinctive for me), so I shoot the YG68 bare, as shown in the picture.
The YB66 must be on the light end of the scale because it draws 28# at my 30" draw length, the YG68 measures 40# at 30".
These bows have always been stored properly and strung with a proper stringer. They are only used with Dacron strings.
I am shopping for another bow, but these Yamaha's shoot very well. If Yamaha still made bows like the YG68, I would buy another one.
Glen Bowley
Ontario, Canada
Hi Glenn
Late but finally i can put you bows on the site.
Kind regards
Owner's Tribute
Ken Newton
Fantastic set of Ken Newton
Picture received 23th April 2019
Dear Bruno,
Came across your excellent website quite by chance.
Like you, I have an interest in Yamaha Archery.
Over the years i have bought bows and parts on Ebay and think I might have an example of all their bows now.
Difficult to know as I have never been able to get a definitive answer from Yamaha Japan. your list, however, looks comprehensive.
Let me know if you want to liaise.
Happy New Year,
Ken Newton
Owner's Tribute
Francisco Cubria
A rare YC (i suppose) unfortunately has broken limbs
Here are some photos.
In photo #4, the knobs I can not free. In photo #5 you can see how the blade is broken.
If I could free the knobs, I think I could replace the blades, but maybe it is not even worth it...
Thank you again for the advice.
Kind regards,
Owner's Tribute
Sight Alpha III - Paul Clay
A really nice Eolla equipped with original Alpha III bowsight in excellent conditon.
See also the owner manual on the docs section.
Thanks to our friend Paul Clay
Ken Newton
Our friend Ken Newton again...
Picture received 12th june 2019
I also have an SFF and SFF2, which aren’t in that picture...
I attach some images of earlier bows - YA, YB and YC.
The singular image is of a bow with no identification mark but certainly a Yamaha with GRP reinforcement on BOTH sides. Do you have any idea what it might be?
Ken Newton

Pictures taken from web auctions
Yamaha Archery Japan Autions